JUSCO Education Mission (JEM) Foundation, a registered Trust was established by Jamshedpur Utilities and Services Company, in fulfillment of the objective of increasing educational access for the local population by establishing and operating, educational and vocational institutes of excellence. JEM Foundation has laid down the following sets of college service rules and all employees of the Foundation are bound by the same.
Mrs. KMPM Vocational College has an eco-friendly campus and is well equipped with state-of-art infrastructure. We have well equipped computer labs and other laboratories for Phyiscs, Chemistry & Hydraulics. Industrial visits, On-job-trainings& projects are scheduled to help students attain highest standards in academics & professional skills.
Address :-
Mrs. K.M.P.M VOCATIONAL COLLEGE, Main Road, Bistupur, Jamshedpur
Email :-
Phone :-
0657 2249064
Designs & Develop @ gr8designs.in